
Skin Fit Glow Cushion vs My Foundation

Skin Fit Glow Cushion vs My Foundation

Skin Fit Glow Cushion vs My Foundation

By Gi from innisfree
5 minute read

Foundation Shoot-out: Cushion vs Liquid Foundation

Foundation. One could argue that they are the base of any good makeup practice. It’s an endless world of choices: bb creams, bb cushions, cc creams, foundation sticks, compact foundations - all with their own strengths and weaknesses.

There are many forms of foundation, but the two most popular foundation products are cushions and liquid foundations. Instead of boring you with a straight-up comparison between the two, I thought it would be more fun to play a game of This or That: Foundation Edition using the Skin Fit Glow Cushion SPF34 PA++ and My Foundation All Day-LongwearSPF25 PA++ as our main contenders. 

The concept is simple: which is the best foundation for the following scenarios?

Scenario 1 | Going back to the office

You’ve had your fun with the whole “working from home” thing, but it’s time to get back out there and into the office. It’s been a while since you’ve seen your colleagues in person. You want to look nice, presentable at the very least, but you so cherish your extra 15 minutes of snooze time in the morning. Which makes more sense to work into your daily routine?

Winner: Skin Fit Glow Cushion SPF34 PA++

This is a great choice for everyday use because of how quick and simple it is to apply. It contains a skin-fitting glow powder that adds a gentle radiance to your skin that can give you that extra level of “readiness” despite the one too many episodes of your favourite show you may have watched the night before.

Scenario 2 | A dinner party with friends

A good friend invites you over to their house for a grown-up dinner party. There will be appetisers, there will be drinks, and there will be friends of friends for you to meet for the very first time. You want to make a good impression without coming across as someone who is trying too hard. Who’s getting you ready for dinner?

Winner: My Foundation All Day-Longwear SPF34 PA++

Putting your best foot forward means making difficult things look like they take no effort at all. This foundation with a semi-matte finish is great for that because it also contains a smart sebum fixing powder which’ll have your back and keep you looking refreshed and luminous all night long without oxidation.

Scenario 3 | Post-gym hangout

You’ve been kicking butt these days and hitting all your fitness goals for the new year! You’ve even made a couple new friends at the gym. One fateful Saturday, a couple of them invite you out to brunch after an intense kickboxing class. Which foundation will you be glad you threw in your bag that morning?

Winner: Skin Fit Glow Cushion SPF34 PA++

It’s gotta be our transportable friend. Not only is it super compact and handy, but its hydrating, cooling essence also helps to freshen you up in an instant. Just a quick trip to the washroom to freshen up after class and you’re golden! For my Muslimah friends, this is also a great choice for a quick touch up after performing your solat.

Scenario 4 | Chinese New Year celebration

It’s that time of the year again! You’re getting ready for open houses that are just bound to be teeming with aunties and uncles dying to ask all sorts of personal questions. You pause to consider if it’s worth the trouble to put on makeup but are totally drawn in by the pull of those delectable CNY snacks. When else will you get a chance to indulge? You pick out an outfit that you know will look great in photos and tap your chin. Which foundation should you kick things off with?

Winner: My Foundation All Day-Longwear  SPF34 PA++

With its long-lasting formula and sebum-absorbing properties, there’s no better companion for a long day of snacking and being photographed. Your makeup will stay all day without creasing as if freshly applied!

Would you look at that! We have a tie!

Both these products have a lot to bring to the table but it will always boil down to what you’re looking for and what you need. 

If you’re looking for a foundation for combination or oily skin, My Foundation All Day-Longwear will ease your mind.  If you’re looking to keep things light and simple for a more natural makeup look, the Skin Fit Glow Cushion will take you there! If you’re looking for a foundation that offers SPF protection, you can’t go wrong either way! 

Your face, your makeup, your rules!

Happy celebrating!

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